A downloadable game for Windows and Android

This is a fun-made non-commercial game.

Main features:

- This game is based on the Harry Potter novels and films.

- You play as Hermione who enrolled in the 1st year of Hogwarts.

- Locations familiar from films and novels.

- Characters familiar from films and novels.

- Life at Hogwarts full of magic and events.

- Original 3D art in high definition.

- Role playing system.

- The game is designed for an adult audience.

The game is free to play, but you can support us on Patreon if you want. Also, there you can see art that is not in the game, various spoilers.

Version  2025_1

In the game you will find: Passage of the plot - from 20 hours; 1039 pictures and 13 videos.

Updated 4 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, Android
Rated 4.1 out of 5 stars
(13 total ratings)
GenreRole Playing
TagsAdult, Erotic, Female Protagonist, Magic, Parody


WINDOWS: Hermione and the magic of love (Public_2025_1).zip
ANDROID: Hermione and the magic of love (Public_2025_1).apk

Install instructions

Installation: Extract and run. No additional software is required.


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(1 edit)

On the android version at the beginning of Quest 26 after making the potion it won't let me press finish! And will only let me press each potion only.

Did you manage to make 3 potions? The quest requires exactly 3 pieces.

Yeah I did 3 potions but it still doesn't let me press finish.

We will try to deal with this error.

After brewing 3 potions, try to exit the menu via ESC. On Android, this is a simultaneous touch of the screen with 2 fingers.

Thank you, that worked.

After the ambush in quest 96 where do I go?

Forbidden Forest -> Forbidden Forest North -> Foothills (passage from above from Forbidden Forest North location).

Deleted 119 days ago

Next update - October 23rd

where is the gym? And how do I find the ron brothers? please help.

The gym is the north tower, to the right of the stairs. The brothers are in the back room of the gym (entrance - top right corner). 


You could make a multiplayer pixel art Harry Potter for mobile, just not in this style of game, by God.


quest 10, a big picture hermione gets stuck on my screen and doesnt go away

Can you post a screenshot of the frozen picture? And save-file before quest 10.

sorry again, but the game breaks down on quest 10 too . Just a splash screen from the beach with the main character in full screen and that's it! the screenshot is not sent here , it says that there are problems with the server!

Unfortunately we were unable to reproduce the error. Perhaps in the future the error will repeat itself and it will be possible to detect it.

After the 4th quest, the game breaks down and Hermione starts walking through walls!

(1 edit) (+1)

Error found. We will fix it.


Fixed (for Windows version). Download the new build.

Thank you very much!

I apologize for the trouble, but now the second problem, when trying to download the file, Mega says that it no longer exists..... sorry


Very strange. Try this link:


Ello! So, i dont think its related to a quest but there was this one student in the self-study after i help them who said that there is a secret chess(??) club that rewards the winner with gold. Do any of u know where that club is cuz im kinda curious if there's actually a way for us to gain gold and not just rely on harry's money.


Version 6-2023 already, and still they haven't solved the aimlessly wandering around issue. "Find Ron's brother", without any indication where he could be. This game could be very good, but things like this seriously break it for me. That's why I left their Patreon eventually.

The game really really needs better descriptions for quests, and especially where everything is.

Quest 65: I need to find Neville.

I have looked everywhere I can think of, but still can't find him. Please help?

He is self-preparing. Draws another poster))

Quest 59: Hermione needs to find out who is harming the plants in the garden.

Am I supposed to wait until nightfall?

Yes, you have to come at night. You can skip time in the library.

Quest 45: meet with Harry and Ron... 

Last time I did this, I didn't need any help. Now I have no clue where they are?

The guys are waiting for Hermione in the courtyard (lower left corner).

(2 edits)

Ok, maybe I´m just stupid, but how do I start the side quests? Nr. 29 is listed in the quest menu for hours now yet there´s still nothing I can do to complete it (same problem for 27, 31, 35, 36, 38).

Also, where is the "somewhere" where Hermione needs to get the Sperm from in Quest 39?

And I wish one could control the characters with WASD instead of mouse clicking

Quest 29 - Library -> Spellcraft (Charms) Class -> the outskirts of Hogsmeade. Quest 39 - Toilet in the Castle Dungeon. Almost all side quests are for Patreons. Keyboard controls are there - they are arrows.

Yeah, there´s one side quest which is marked as Patreon only, but the rest isn´t

(1 edit)

Also, is there a certain time when you can enter the photo club? I literally could never enter this room, not for side quests and not for the main quest. It is that Room labeled "Photo Circle" near the great hall, right?

To enter the photo club you need a "photo club membership card". It should be given to Parvati Patil in the Gryffindor common room. The club member card can be seen in the inventory in "key items".

In quest 72: "Check for the ministry" Where is Irma??

In gym.

I have problems with passage from my old saves (patreon). Do you have me a save file from about 62 or help? 

What is the problem with the save file?

I dont see the next quest (62) 61I have completed. I think Harry and Ron should be in the self study room?

Quest 61 is a Side Quest. It does not affect 62. 62 starts when 59 is completed. The part where you need to help Professor Sprout. After that, Ron and Harry will have to be found in self-training.

yes thx i know, but 59 is also fully completed, and they are not in self training. 

Could you send your save file. Let's try to figure it out.

I can only agree with the other feedback here: too vague descriptions as to where to go (on that note, can someone tell me where to find the moon grass in quest 26? And where is the Photo club?)

Travel is way too boring for the time that it takes, with the fast travel into the dungeon being the only option there. How about Fast Travel to all the important points? 

And also, this game isn`t playable on Android. As someone else mentioned, you only get an error message when trying to open the menu, which makes it impossible to save manually or use any of the items. And given that there are no autosave points in the game, it means everytime you start this on Android, you`re starting at the beginning

1. Moon grass in quest 26: 1 - Outskirts of Hogsmeade; 2 - Farms near Hagrid (exit to the right).

2. Photoclub in the Great Hall (bottom, left).

3. There are no fast travel points yet. The game is at an early stage of development.

4. The problem of the android version is known to us. We'll try to fix it in the next version.

P.S. The next update is scheduled for February 17th.

Also, when looking up the memories and pressing esc once, you get the option to quit. but if instead of clicking that "yes" you press esc again, the memory image doesn`t disappear and you`re just stuck with it. Not even after reloading or restarting the game. You`d have to start a new save game, which after hours playing is annoying.

How about in the next update the game when loading a save file checks if there are any memory images active and kills those? (I don`t kow your code, just an idea to fix this)

(1 edit)

We'll see it.

Does the dev ever read these comments?


Yaaay!! Thumbs up!

(1 edit)

The October update still has the same hide-and-seek quests...

Quest 23: "Find the girls", not to mention quests like "Find this and that place, Hermione knows where it is". Would be nice if she told us then.

I will gladly become a Patreon to this game, but only after these frustrations are solved. In its current form, the game cannot be played enjoyably, imho.

I love the concept, and much of the game.
However I have to echo what most other posters are saying, and this is a general comment about the mechanics of gameplay.

The clues are too vague, the locations ambiguous, and the quest log often doesn't present the full clue anyway. Like many of us, I've struggled to locate the correct locations for quests, and find searching the entire castle, grounds and surroundings to be tedious rather than enjoyable.

The maps don't encourage fast travel between locations - they look nice, but there are too many obstacles between places to make it easy to run - also, what's with the wandering animals that get in the way? Hermione blocked by a frog?

When collecting a herb, we get "Herb collected", followed by "This will come in handy for potions". Which is very useful the 1st time, and maybe the 2nd or even the 3rd. By the 48th time I really hate it and am ready to break the computer.

Please take this feedback positively - despite these the game is still enjoyable and interesting to play.

Anyone knows how to complete quest 23 I can't find any girls !!!

Does Patreon have a newer version of the game than itch.io?

I can't play this game on Android. Whenever I try to open menu by tapping 2 fingers it shows error, so I can't save my progress. I tried re-downloading but the issue is still there.

Where i can find Neville? In quest 65: Hermione needs to find Neville

Self-study, in the east


For the devs:

1) The game is far too slow. Not as in low fps, but the gameplay itself.

- far too few points where Hermione can please herself, and far too few moments to do so,

After 11 hours of gameplay,her Nympho lv. is 48, and her exhib lv is 34, after 11 hour of gameplay. And she's still scared of sex, and still only level 3.

- bad info about where things are, turning the game into much of a maze game. The game really needs good in-ame indicators about the locatons of quests. The quest logs also contain far too little info. Classes are often over befor I even got to find where the classroom is!

2) Unclear and broken game mechanics

- Fighting mobs doesn't affect my experience at all. It it totally unclear how HP, MP and such are restored.

- learned recipes show up as arrays of ?-marks. Except that that doesn't make sense at all, it makes it a gamble what we are going to create.

- I regularly need to keep the game running for minutes in a row while not playing it, only to progress time. Because the book in the library doesn't really forward time, it nerely meddles with the clock itself. Herbs and 'relaxation' points don't respawn, and her HP and MP are not restored.

- The in-game clock is a 12-hour clock, so I always need to go outside to see if it is AM or PM.

- Unable to abandon quests. I accidentally accepted a quest that got me Harry at tow, it gotboring because the location was nowhere to be found, but I couldn't abandon the quest and take another, which eventually brok my gameplay and I had to start all over with a new one.

3) General points of nuisance

- Unfinished conversations. When I click on mobs, they sometimes show a "?" or "!" mark, but they say nothing. And one of the gals even says: "I was just thinking" without continueing her line. At the photo club, they only ask if I want tea, and in the painting club - being a perfect excuse for some nude modelling - there's only there's this gal who asks: "Yes?" and then sends me off.

- What's with the white-hair dude that is everywhere at the school, and who keeps coming after Hermione with a PacMan-style of approach. He gets tiresome pretty soon, really.

- Missing out on a lot of opportunities to hae Hermione do more lewd stuff. Toilets, bushes, showers, those are all locations where she could get interesting, but she won't.

So, all in all, it is a game with fine and even unique artwork and it has a lot of potential, but it really needs more flow. In its current state, it's merely an excercise in tediousness and frustration.

I really look forward to a version which becomes enjoyable.Until then, I do have the game on my Follow-list

(2 edits)

Quest 30: "Find a cozy place"?? What kinda quest is that. I searched all of the game field, and I came across several of them, but none of them completes the quest.

And because I now have some dude at tow, I can't work on any of the other quests anymore.

In fact, I can do actually nothing at all anymore but stroll around, just like when I'm senselessly strolling around, waiting for the pleasure spots to respawn.

The game has a lot of potential, but it really (x10) needs more flow!

And please ditch the white-hair PacMan dude in the school.

(3 edits)

The game desparately needs location indicators. I spent the last 2 hours looking for the "secluded place in the castle". It ruins much of the fun of this game.

I enjoyed the game so far, but quest 19 really killed it for me.

Looking forwared to future versions though. It's too much of a maze game in its current state.

Quest 24: collect the necessary ingredients for the potion 

I can't find the ingredients, help

4 clovers at the location where the quest starts. We go to the location to the left. 4 more clovers. Again we go to the location to the left. 2 more clovers on the location (1 near the house, 1 in the house).

(1 edit)

May I make a suggestion for the next update or so? We need like a check list for these. This is  the third time I've had to look for these clovers (can't transfer the game for some reason so I just keep redoing it, which I don't really mind because I enjoy the game), and I am down to 1 more clover but I don't remember which ones I have found (and where), so I keep running around in circles. I know we have the "found" little chime and that is helpful, but maybe a hint or something that can be given. Like a button we touch and it says something like "look near the barn" or something?

For now, editing the old quests is not planned, as all efforts are focused on the new version of the game. We can recommend you in case of difficulties to use the full walkthrough of the game:

(not made by us).

All ingredients except for one of them are thew ordinary herbs that you from outside the school building. the last one in moongrass. To find that one, you need to enter the forest (north of Hadgir's house), turn right, cross the and walk past the campfire there. There you get a mini event, that gives you the moongrass.

So, here's a question: how do we transfer our progress with the updates so we're not going through the whole thing all over again? Like, for the June release, I had saved my progress, but when I downloaded the July/August release I had to do it all over again. Now I am at the end (again) and I'm curious to know if I'm going to have to do it all over again when the new release comes out or not. (Hope that makes sense.)

Windows version. It is necessary to copy the save folder from the old game. Paste the save folder into the new version. Look carefully. At the end of the game there is a warning about saving after the end of the story. Most likely you will need to replay the main story from the last issue. Make saves in different slots!

"It is necessary to copy the save folder from the old game."

How? I tried to do a "right-click" copy and when I would right-click the file, it automatically brings me back to the main screen. And I tried looking through the folders, but there isn't anything there that says "files" or anything, so I don't know where to look? (I promise I am smarter than this.)

I can't tell you what's going on. 

But you need to copy the folder like any folder or file in Windows.

Quest 47: Hermione needs to find Hagrid.

Last time he was in his toilet. Did y'all move him? (He's not in his house either.)

Nevermind. I found him

Thanks for the last answer, I have a second question in Quest 43: Hermione needs to restock ingredients, I don´t know what to do exactly

Hogsmeade, toilets. From 21.00 to 2.00.

(1 edit)

I need help. In Quest 41 you need to meet the twins in Hogsmead I searched every where, but where are they?

The games good btw, recommend it

They will be near Hogs Head from 18:00 to 20:00.

Is this still the case? I sometimes see them in the Gryffindor Common room, but I can`t actually interact with them or continue in the quest. Is there a special location or time when this would be possible?

It is very strange. It should be bottom  in the living room. All the time until the quest is taken. There may have been a bug. We can look at your save file if you send it to us.

I´ve never used this before, i hope it works


It`s the second save file for this problem, the first one has a memory image blocking the view of the game (a bug I mentioned in a different comment)

There are no errors in the file. To continue the photo club quest, you need to go to the Charms classroom (in the afternoon). Then to the library.

So I got to the end and now I want more. Lol. No pressure, but any idea when the new update will come out? (Will there be one?)

The update should be released on September 16 or 17.

I think there is an error problem with Hagrid. This is the second quest I have been on where I get errors in loading. Just thought you should know.

It's the quest where Professor Sprout asks Hermione for help with the slime.

Quest 59. I went to the Three Broomsticks, looking for Hagrid and, found him, but it wasn't the quest. (I clicked on him, he said "hello", but there wasn't the ! sign, so it wasn't right.) When I went to leave, that was when I was hit with the errors and the screen won't load.

Hagrid in the toilet next to his house))))

Quest 56: find secret passage in clearing? Is this in the bandits' lair or somewhere else? Been looking for it all day and cannot find it.

Btw, I am enjoying this game. Y'all did an awesome job! (Just thought you should know.)

Thank you for appreciating our work! Passage to the lair of bandits through a broken tree (lower right corner of the map).

(1 edit)

Quest 45. finding the idiots. In the forest? But where?

The barn at the Hogwarts pier.

Quest 43. Where do I meet Ron and Harry. I have a feeling I am going to find them after you tell me, but I have looked everywhere. (This is after meeting up with the twins.)

Harry and Ron will be in the courtyard (upper right corner).

Inverted grass. I am in the swamp (where itis stated is where it is) but I cannot find it. What am I missing?

Sorry. I meant "inverted time" grass

Swamps. Top right side of the map. Water lily (on the water).

Please help. I get all the way to collecting water lilies, meet up with Hagrid in his hut and the screen goes blank with "error reload".

For now, just select "skip the quest". The bug will be fixed in the next release.

where i can find Hagrid ??

In quest 59 "The end of the bandit's liar !!!!!"

In the toilet to the left of the house.

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